in vitro fertillisation (IVF, ICSI)

How exactly does IVF treatment work at Kopelli Klinik?

At the beginning of the treatment, the growth of the follicles is promoted with daily hormone injections containing the hormone FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). During the treatment, regular ultrasound checks of the follicle growth are necessary. When the follicles have reached a sufficient size, egg maturation is triggered with an injection. The eggs are retrieved either after an injection of painkillers or under a short anaesthetic. The retrieved eggs are fertilised on the same day. There are two ways of fertilisation. If your partner’s spermiogram is good and you have been pregnant in the past, IVF treatment may be sufficient. This means that a few thousand sperm are added to your egg in a dish. Fertilisation then takes place without any further assistance. If the spermiogram is limited, ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) is recommended. In this procedure, our embryologist injects a sperm that is as mobile and normally shaped as possible directly into the egg. The next day we can already see if the fertilisation of your eggs was successful. We monitor the development of the embryos in the laboratory until day 5. On day 5, the embryo should have developed into a blastocyst. A blastocyst consists of about 100-200 cells and has a cavity filled with fluid. On day 5 after retrieval, we can put one or a maximum of two blastocysts back into your uterine cavity using a thin catheter. If several blastocysts have developed, the remaining ones can be frozen for you and transferred at a later date.

And what is the success rate with in-vitro-fertilisation (IVF)?

Our clinic has experienced female doctors who have been carrying out fertility treatments for many years and who undergo intensive further training in their specialist field. As doctors and mothers providing excellent, compassionate and individualized fertility treatment is a matter of the heart and a vocation for us. We are pleased that, in cooperation with our modern, high-quality laboratory (fiore lab AG), we have already been able to help many couples have the baby they have longed for. Our laboratory has QUARTS accreditation (Quality for Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Switzerland) and meets all the requirements of an advanced and up-to-date reproductive laboratory. Our pregnancy rates are among the best in comparison with other clinics in Switzerland or neighbouring countries. The success rate of fertility treatment is strongly dependent on the age of the patient, because the quality of the eggs deteriorates with age and the proportion of eggs with chromosomal abnormalities increases. However, there are other factors that can influence success, for example the presence of endometriosis, nicotine abuse, chronic diseases, obesity and poor sperm quality.

We look forward to advise you in a personal meeting. We will explain the procedure of the different treatments, your personal chances of success and the costs.

We will be happy to advise you in a personal, non-binding meeting and explain the costs involved in your situation.